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Lean, Mean, Extensible Machine

The best software is simple, extensible, and easy to use. We strive to make our software as lean and mean as possible, while still providing the flexibility to extend and customize it to fit your needs.

Function > Form

Getting 💩 done is the most important part of any tool or library. We will always push to keep a clean and organized codebase, but we will never sacrifice functionality for the sake of form.

Pragmatism over Performance

We believe in making the right trade-offs for the right reasons. We will always choose the most pragmatic solution over the most performant one.

GitHub-First Markdown

There are many flavors of markdown, but we are GitHub-centric. We use GitHub-flavored markdown for all of our markdown outputs by default.

Atomic Design

We believe the best software is built by piece by piece. We break apart our software into small, reusable components that can be easily combined to create complex applications.